Thursday, February 12, 2009

Pretty Birds

I  completed a group of 3 bird paintings.  (I tend to work on a particular series for awhile, then switch to another for a change.  I later return to the series and continue to add to it.)
My "Pretty Bird" series began about a year ago with  an experimental piece I did with acrylics and mixed medium.  I knew I wanted to paint more of these, but it wasn't until a few weeks ago that I knew what was to follow.  I was surprised with the urgency in which I painted these.  It was like a gestation...when it is time for the paintings to hatch, I must attend to them. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Marti,
    It's so cool that you're making your paintings available to us in this way. Thank You! I love the strong lines and colors. And am fascinated by your self-portrait. Strong lines again--and you have a definite hemisphere thing going on. Which side is the one I know?

    Keep em coming!
